Studi Perilaku Pasta Geopolymer Ordinary Portland Cement Hybrid
Kuat tekan awal pada pasta geopolymer akan tinggi jika menggunakan bantuan perawatan panas. Hal ini karena reaksi geopolimer bersifat endotermik. Ini adalah salah satu hambatan aplikasinya. Paper ini bertujuan memaparkan karakteristik pasta geopolimer-OPC hybrid tanpa perawatan panas. Pasta geopolimer-Portland semen hybrid diperoleh dengan memvariasi prosentase subtitusi OPC terhadap fly ash yaitu 0%, 5%. 10% dan 15%. Parameter yang ditinjau adalah konsistensi, Setting time dan kuat tekan. Hasil pengujian menunjukan karakteristik pasta geopolimer-OPC hybrid bahwa Nilai konsistensi lebih kecil dari konsistensi normal OPC, Semakin tinggi prosentase subtitusi fly ash setting time awal dan akhir semakin singkat kurang dari 1 jam, namun kuat tekan semakin meningkat. Hal menunjukkan bahwa geopolimer-OPC hybrid dapat digunakan untuk pekerjaan pengecoran yang membutuhkan waktu pengikatan awal yang singkat misalnya paving blok atau lapisan perkerasan jalan.
Kata kunci: Karakteristik, Pasta, Geopolimer, Ordinary Portland Cement, Hybrid
Heat treatment on the geopolymer paste can result in high early compressive strength because the geopolymer reaction is endothermic. This condition is one of the obstacles to its application. This article describes the characteristics of geopolymer-Portland cement hybrid pastes without heat treatment. The hybrid geopolymer-Portland cement paste was obtained by varying the percentage substitution of Portland cement to fly ash, namely 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15%. Parameters observed are consistency, setting time, and compressive strength. The results show the characteristics of the hybrid geopolymer-Portland cement paste Its consistency is smaller than standard Portland cement. The higher the percentage of substitution, the initial and the final setting time are shorter, less than one hour, but the compressive strength increases. This shows that hybrid geopolymer-Portland cement can be used for the works that require a short initial setting time, such as paving blocks or road pavement layers.
Keywords: Characteristic, Paste, Geopolymer, Ordinary Portland Cement, Hybrid
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March and September
In cooperation with Ikatan Sarjana Teknik Sipil (ISATSI NAD) Lhokseumawe