Analisis Penerapan K3 Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Pada Proyek Dermaga Samudera Semarang

Agus Bambang Siswanto, M Afif Salim, Dinda Ramawati



 Masa pandemi Covid-19 sangat mempengaruhi kondisi berbagai sektor kehidupan salah satunya adalah sektor konstruksi. Proyek konstruksi dermaga yang harus tetap berjalan mengharuskan adanya penambahan protokol kesehatan pada penerapan K3 untuk mencegah penyebaran Covid-19 serta tindakan pengawasan dan pengendalian penerapan K3/prokes  di area proyek. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh penerapan K3/prokes serta tindakan pengawasan dan pengendalian penerapan K3/prokes terhadap proyek. Dari hasil pengolahan data kuisioner, penerapan K3/prokes telah diterapkan termasuk tindakan pengawasan dan pengendalian terhadap penerapan K3/prokes, sanksi terhadap pelanggaran prokes di area proyek. Penelitian ini juga mengemukakan bahwa penerapan K3/prokes serta tindakan pengawasan dan pengendalian penerapan K3/prokes memiliki hubungan antar variabel sesuai yang terinterpretasi melalui persamaan Y=59.013+0.743X1+0.244X2 serta secara simultan memberikan pengaruh sebesar 16.90% terhadap pelaksanaan proyek.

 Kata kunci: Proyek, konstruksi dermaga, K3, protokol kesehatan, pandemi covid 19





The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected the conditions of various sectors of life, one of which is the construction sector. The jetty construction project that must continue to run requires the addition of health protocols in the application of HSE to prevent the spread of Covid-19 as well as monitoring and controlling the implementation of HSE/health protocols in the project area. This study aims to determine how the effect of the application of HSE/health protocols as well as the actions of monitoring and controlling the implementation of HSE/health protocols on the project. From the results of the questionnaire data processing, the implementation of HSE/health protocols has been implemented including supervisory and control measures on the implementation of HSE/health protocols, sanctions for violations of health care programs in the project area. This study also suggests that the implementation of HSE/health protocols as well as actions to supervise and control the application of HSE/health protocols have a relationship between variables according to which is interpreted through the equation Y=59.013+0.743X1+0.244X2 and simultaneously has an effect of 16.90% on project implementation.

 Keywords: Project, jetty construction, HSE, health protocol, Pandemic of covid-19



Project, jetty construction, HSE, health protocol, Pandemic of covid-19

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Published 2 times a year
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The Research institutions and community service (LPPM) Universitas Malikussaleh

In cooperation with Ikatan Sarjana Teknik Sipil (ISATSI NAD) Lhokseumawe

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