Analisis Kelayakan Dimensi Landasan Pacu Bandar Udara Torea di Kabupaten Fakfak Propinsi Papua Barat

Muhammad Yunus




Perkembangan moda sektor transportasi khususnya moda transportasi udara dewasa ini mengalami perkembangan yang sangat signifikan. Hal ini disebabkan moda transportasi udara berupa pesawat terbang dapat membuat manusia berpindah tempat dengan sangat cepat, tidak seperti moda transportasi darat maupun laut yang memerlukan waktu yang lebih lama. Sehubungan hal tersebut maka dibutuhkan bandar udara yang memenuhi persyaratan dari segi keamanan dan keselamatan penerbangan. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis dimensi landasan pacu (runway) serta mengevaluasi kelayakan dimensi landasan pacu (runway) Bandar Udara Torea di Kabupaten Fakfak Propinsi Papua Barat. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh dimensi panjang landasan pacu Bandar Udara Torea telah memenuhi persyaratan minimum yang ditetapkan oleh International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) tahun 2016 dengan panjang landasan pacu Bandar Udara Torea sepanjang 1201,8 m tetapi dari segi persyaratan untuk jenis pesawat ATR 72-600 belum memenuhi persyaratan sedangkan untuk standar dimensi lebar landasan lacu dan lebar bahu landasan pacu Bandar Udara Torea sesuai Peraturan Kementerian Perhubungan Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara Nomor : KP 39 Tahun 2015 tentang Standar Teknis dan Operasi Peraturan Keselamatan Penerbangan Sipil.

 Kata kunci: Moda transportasi, landasan pacu, bandar udara, pesawat ATR 72-600.






The development of transportation sector modes, especially air transportation modes, is currently experiencing a very significant development. This is because the mode of air transportation in the form of airplanes can make people move very quickly, unlike land and sea transportation modes which require a longer time. In this regard, an airport that meets the requirements in terms of flight security and safety is needed. The aims of the study was to analyze the dimensions of the runway and evaluate the feasibility of the runway dimensions at Torea Airport in Fakfak Regency, West Papua Province. From the results of the research conducted, it was found that the dimensions of the runway length of Torea Airport have met the minimum requirements set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in 2016 with a runway length of 1201.8 m Torea Airport but in terms of requirements for the type of aircraft ATR 72- 600 does not meet the requirements while for the standard dimensions of the runway width and the width of the runway shoulder of Torea Airport according to the Regulation of the Ministry of Transportation of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation Number: KP 39 of 2015 concerning Technical and Operational Standards of Civil Aviation Safety Regulations.

 Keywords: Modes of transportation, runway, airport, ATR 72-600 aircraft




Modes of transportation, runway, airport, ATR 72-600 aircraft

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Copyright (c) 2022 Muhammad - Yunus

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Accredited based on Sinta 3 based on the Decree of the Director General of Strengthening Research and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 230/E/KPT/2022
Valid for 5 years, Volume 12 Number 2 Year 2022 to Volume 17 Number 1 Year 2027


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Published 2 times a year
March and September

Published by:
The Research institutions and community service (LPPM) Universitas Malikussaleh

In cooperation with Ikatan Sarjana Teknik Sipil (ISATSI NAD) Lhokseumawe

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