Analisis Abrasi Terhadap Pergeseran Tepi Pantai Dengan Digital Shorline Analisis System (DSAS)
Pantai Cahaya Negeri, Kecamatan Lemong Kabupaten Pesisir Barat mengalami abrasi signifikan, berdampak pada pergeseran tepi pantainya. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji, mengidentifikasi dampak pergeseran tepi pantai oleh abrasi periode 2012 hingga 2022 dan memprakirakan pergeseran tepi pantai periode 2023 hingga 2032. Metode pemantauan menggunakan Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) perhitungan Shoreline Change Envelope (SCE), Net Shoreline Movement (NSM), End Point Rate (EPR) untuk memprakirakan pergeseran tepi pantai, digunakan perhitungan Linear Regression Rate (LRR). Hasil analisis menunjukkan abrasi menyebabkan pergeseran tepi pantai 2,11 hektare periode 2012 hingga 2022. Prakiraan pergeseran tepi pantai sebesar 13,6 m, luas perubahan sebesar 2,33 hektare periode 2023 hingga 2032. Kesimpulan adalah Pergeseran tepi pantai (2012 hingga 2022) didominasi abrasi sebesar 2,11 hektare (92,7%), akresi 0,16 hektare (7,2%), total pergeseran 2,281 hektare. Dampaknya meliputi longsor, dan kerusakan lahan pertanian. Prakiraan (2023–2032) menunjukkan bahwa abrasi 13,6 m pergeseran terbesar 34,47 m, terkecil 0,34 m, dan akresi 0,46 m.
Kata kunci: abrasi, prakiraan, DSAS, NSM, LRR.
Cahaya Negeri Beach, Lemong District, Pesisir Barat Regency experienced significant abrasion, impacting the shifting of its shoreline. The researcher's objective was to study, identify the impact of shoreline shifting by abrasion from 2012 to 2022 and predict shoreline shifting from 2023 to 2032. The monitoring method used the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) calculation of Shoreline Change Envelope (SCE), Net Shoreline Movement (NSM), End Point Rate (EPR) to predict shoreline shifting, Linear Regression Rate (LRR) calculation was used. The results of the analysis show that abrasion causes a shift in the coastline of 2.11 hectares from 2012 to 2022. The prediction of the shift in the coastline is 13.6 meters, the area of change is 2.33 hectares from 2023 to 2032. The conclusion is that the shift in the coastline (2012 to 2022) is dominated by abrasion of 2.11 hectares (92.7%), accretion of 0.16 hectares (7.2%), total shift of 2,281 hectares. The impacts include landslides and damage to agricultural land. The prediction (2023–2032) shows abrasion of 13.6 meters, the largest shift is 34.47 meters, the smallest is 0.34 meters, and accretion is 0.46 meters.
Keywords: abrasion, prediction, DSAS, NSM, LRR.
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