Analisis Kelayakan Investasi Antara Bangun Baru dan Bangunan Existing Ombudsman RI di Kawasan Kuningan Jakarta
Studi kelayakan investasi dilakukan dengan metode discounted cash flow (DCF). Hasil perhitungan dengan metode DCF disimulasikan dengan metode monte carlo. Indikator-indikator yang digunakan adalah tingkat okupansi, kenaikan biaya konstruksi, kenaikan biaya sewa dan service charge. Arus kas bangunan existing dan bangunan baru dibuat untuk menghitung nilai NPV dan IRRnya. Perhitungan metode DCF pada bangunan existing dengan nilai MARR sebesar 7,47%, didapatkan nilai NPV positif sebesar Rp.155.274.649.791 dan nilai IRR sebesar 31,5%, waktu pengembalian selama 6 tahun 4 bulan. Perhitungan bangunan baru didapatkan nilai NPV positif sebesar Rp.184.233.384.822 dan nilai IRR sebesar 17,5%, waktu pengembalian selama 8 tahun 8 bulan. Perbandingan perhitungan antara bangunan existing dan bangunan baru didapatkan nilai NPV positif sebesar Rp.28.958.735.031 dan nilai IRR sebesar 18,88%, waktu pengembalian 9 tahun 1 bulan. Hasil perhitungan dengan metode DCF dilakukan simulasi monte carlo, sehingga didapatkan nilai NPV rata-rata positif sebesar Rp.21.854.144.293 dan nilai IRR rata-rata sebesar sebesar 11,4% dengan waktu pengembalian rata-rata 8 tahun 11 bulan. Nilai standar deviasi untuk NPV sebesar Rp.6.457.269.316 dan nilai standar deviasi untuk IRR sebesar 1,34%. Perbandingan NPV positif dan nilai IRR lebih besar dari MARR, sehingga alternatif bangun baru layak dilaksanakan. Mempertahankan bangunan existing perlu dilakukan analisis teknik terkait keandalan bangunan existing.
Kata kunci: studi kelayakan, metode DCF, metode monte carlo
An investment feasibility study was conducted using the discounted cash flow (DCF) method. The results of the DCF method were simulated using the Monte Carlo method. The indicators used were occupancy rate, construction cost increases, rental cost increases, and service charge increases. Cash flows for existing and new buildings were created to calculate their NPV and IRR. The DCF method calculation for the existing building, with a MARR of 7.47%, resulted in a positive NPV of Rp.155,274,649,791 and an IRR of 31.5%, with a payback period of 6 years and 4 months. The calculation for the new building resulted in a positive NPV of Rp.184,233,384,822 and an IRR of 17.5%, with a payback period of 8 years and 8 months. The comparison between the existing and new buildings resulted in a positive NPV of Rp.28,958,735,031 and an IRR of 18.88%, with a payback period of 9 years and 1 month. The DCF method results were simulated using the Monte Carlo method, resulting in an average positive NPV of Rp.21,854,144,293 and an average IRR of 11.4% with an average payback period of 8 years and 11 months. The standard deviation for NPV is Rp.6,457,269,316 and for IRR is 1.34%. The positive NPV comparison and IRR value greater than the MARR indicate that the new building alternative is feasible. Maintaining the existing building requires a technical analysis related to its reliability.
Keywords: feasibility study, DCF method, monte carlo method
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