Kajian Putusan Pengadilan yang Membatalkan Putusan Arbitrase BANI pada Sengketa Kontrak Jasa Konstruksi
Penyelesaian sengketa kontrak konstruksi melalui arbitrase BANI pada kenyataannya tidak selalu memberikan putusan yang dapat diterima oleh para pihak yang berselisih. Dalam beberapa kasus, putusan BANI bahkan dibatalkan oleh Pengadilan. Penelitian ini mengkaji 35 putusan BANI yang diajukan permohonan pembatalan ke Pengadilan Negeri selama periode 2010 hingga 2022. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 14 putusan BANI dibatalkan oleh Pengadilan sehubungan dengan penilaian hakim yang menyatakan bahwa Arbiter kurang cermat dalam mendeteksi keberadaan unsur tipuan dalam perkara. Sementara itu kajian mendalam terhadap dua kasus pembatalan putusan BANI oleh Pengadilan menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan Hakim Pengadilan dalam menilai keabsahan dokumen yang menjadi sengketa dalam kontrak konstruksi dan mendeteksi adanya kecurangan lebih cermat dibandingkan Arbiter BANI. Namun demikian, Arbiter BANI relatif lebih baik dibanding Hakim Pengadilan dalam menilai substansi permasalahan kontrak konstruksi dan memahami permasalahan sengketanya.
Kata kunci: Arbitrase, BANI, Keadilan, Kelembagaan yang Tangguh, Pembatalan Putusan, Pengadilan
The resolution of construction contract disputes through BANI does not always result in decisions that are acceptable to the conflicting parties. In some cases, BANI decisions have even been overturned by the courts. This study examined 35 BANI decisions that were challenged in District Courts during the period from 2010 to 2022. The research findings indicate that 14 BANI decisions were overturned by the courts due to the judges' assessment, which stated that the Arbitrators were insufficiently diligent in detecting elements of fraud in the case. Furthermore, an in-depth review of two cases in which BANI decisions were overturned by the courts indicated that the ability of the court judges to assess the validity of the documents in construction contract disputes and detect fraud was more accurate than that of the BANI Arbitrators. Nevertheless, the BANI Arbitrators were relatively better than the Court Judges in evaluating the substance of construction contract issues and understanding the dispute issues.
Keywords: Arbitration, BANI, Justice, Strong Institutions, Cancellation of Judgment, Courts
Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29103/tj.v14i2.1148
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