Analisis Stabilitas Lereng Sungai Tamiang Kampung Rantau Pakam
Lereng merupakan permukaan tanah yang memiliki beda tinggi. Ketidakstabilan lereng menyebabkan bencana keruntuhan yang menyebabkan kerugian secara materil maupun korban jiwa. Pada lereng Sungai Aceh Tamiang, Kampung Rantau Pakam, Provinsi Aceh sering terjadi bencana keruntuhan sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian terhadap stabilitas lereng. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui nilai faktor keamanan lereng dan meningkatkan nilai stabilitas lereng sungai dengan perkuatan lereng. Metode analisis menggunakan metode Bishop untuk perhitungan secara manual dan Metode Elemen Hingga menggunakan bantuan software Plaxis 2D. Jenis perkuatan stabilitas lereng menggunakan soil nailing dan dinding MSE. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai faktor keamanan lereng eksisting tidak memenuhi persyaratan minimum kestabilan lereng maka perlu perkuatan lereng. Hasil perhitungan faktor keamanan stabilitas lereng dengan perkuatan soil nailing sebesar 1,335 lebih kecil dari persyaratan sebesar 1,5. Faktor keamanan stabilitas lereng dengan perkuatan dinding MSE sebesar 1,457 lebih besar dari persyaratan sebesar 1,3. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa metode MSE lebih sesuai digunakan untuk perkuatan lereng.
Kata kunci: Dinding MSE, faktor keamanan, metode Bishop, Plaxis 2D, soil nailing
The slope is a ground surface that has a height difference. The instability of the slope can cause catastrophic collapse which causes material loss and loss of life. On the slopes of the Aceh Tamiang River, Rantau Pakam Village, Aceh Province, collapse of the slopes often occurs, so it is necessary to conduct research on slope stability. The research aims to determine the value of the slope safety factor and increase the stability value of river slopes by strengthening the slopes. The analytical method uses the Bishop method for manual calculations and the Finite Element Method uses Plaxis 2D software. The type of slope stability strengthening using soil nailing and MSE walls. The results showed that the value of the factor of safety for the existing slope did not meet the minimum requirements for slope stability, so it needed to strengthen the slope. Based on the analysis, the safety factor for slope stability with soil nailing strengthening is 1.335, which is less than the requirement of 1.5. The safety factor for slope stability with the MSE wall strengthening is 1.457, which is greater than the requirement of 1.3 for such method strengthening. The results of the analysis show that the MSE method is more suitable for slope strengthening at the location.
Keywords: MSE wall, safety factor, bishop method, Plaxis 2D, soil nailing
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