Analisis Standar Mutu Batu Bata Merah Tradisional Di Deli Serdang Dengan Indikator SNI 15-2094-2000

Sri Frapanti, Rizki Efrida, Irma Dewi, Sri Asfiati, Fetra Venny Riza




Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas bata merah di Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia dengan standar SNI 15-2094-2000 sebagai acuannya. Jumlah sampel bata merah sebanyak 405 buah dari 15 Kecamatan. Pengujian yang dilakukan berupa pengujian sifat tampak, ukuran dan toleransi, kuat tekan, penyerapan air, dan kandungan garam. Hasil analisis pengujian sifat tampak untuk warna seragam sebanyak 80% sampel, nyaring bila dipukul 66,7%, sudut siku 53%, datar 86,7%, dan tidak retak sebesar 86,7%. Untuk ukuran dan toleransi sebanyak 66,6% sampel tidak memenuhi standar, untuk kuat tekan rata-rata 100% tidak memenuhi standar karena di bawah 5 Mpa. Hasil penyerapan air hanya 1,9% sampel yang memenuhi standar di bawah 20%, dan untuk kadar garam seluruh sampel memenuhi standar SNI 15-2094-2000.


Kata kunci: bata merah, deli serdang, kuat tekan, standar SNI 15-2094-2000.





This study aims to determine the quality of red bricks in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia with the SNI 15-2094-2000 standard as a reference. The number of red brick samples is 405 from 15 districts. Tests carried out in the form of testing the appearance, size and tolerances, compressive strength, water absorption, and salt content. The results of the analysis of visible properties for uniform color were 80% of the sample, loud when hit 66.7%, 53% right angle, 86.7% flat, and 86.7% uncracked. For size and tolerance as much as 66.6% of the sample does not meet the standard, for an average compressive strength of 100% it does not meet the standard because it is below 5 MPa. The results of water absorption were only 1.9% of the sample which met the standard below 20%, and for the salt content of all.


Keywords: red brick, Deli Serdang, compressive strength, SNI 15-2094-2000 standard.


red brick, Deli Serdang, compressive strength, SNI 15-2094-2000 standard.

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Published 2 times a year
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The Research institutions and community service (LPPM) Universitas Malikussaleh

In cooperation with Ikatan Sarjana Teknik Sipil (ISATSI NAD) Lhokseumawe

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