Studi Numerik Sambungan Spun Pile Terhadap Pile Cap Dengan Dan Tanpa Beton Pengisi Akibat Pembebanan Siklik
Berdasarkan SNI 8460, spun pile sebagai struktur bawah didesain belum menggunakan konsep performance-based design (PBD) karena pertimbangan sulitnya proses perbaikan, meskipun PBD sudah diperbolehkan di negara lain. Peta gempa tahun 2017 menunjukkan adanya peningkatan seismic demand di Indonesia yang menyebabkan desain fondasi yang tidak efisien jika perilaku inelastic pada pondasi akibat gempa besar tidak diperbolehkan. Untuk mempelajari perilaku inelastic pondasi, tiga sambungan spun pile berukuran full scale diuji dengan pembebanan siklik horizontal. Analisis lanjutan dengan finite element (FE) dilakukan menggunakan Abaqus. Karena kurangnya jumlah tulangan geser (spiral) pada spun pile yang ada di Indonesia, efek confinement dari pemodelan tulangan spiral dibandingkan dengan pemodelan jika spiral disederhanakan sebagai hoops. Analisis FE juga dilakukan untuk mempelajari perbandingan perilaku antara spun pile kosong dan dengan beton pengisi dalam hal kekuatan, daktilitas dan performance levels dari sambungan spun pile.
Kata kunci: sambungan spun pile, performance-based design, the effect of concrete infill, daktilitas
According to SNI 8640, spun pile as part of lower structure is not designed with the concept of performance-based design (PBD) because of repair issues, although PBD has been allowed for lower structures in other countries. According to the 2017 seismic zone, the increasing seismic demand in Indonesia results in an inefficient foundation design if inelastic behavior of foundation due to a big earthquake is not allowed. Three full scales of spun pile connections were tested with lateral cyclic loading to explore the inelastic behavior of foundation. A finite element (FE) analysis using Abaqus was conducted for further study. Due to low number of spun pile’s shear reinforcement (spiral) produced in Indonesia, the confinement effect of spiral model is compared with hoops model. Finite element analysis was also done to investigate the behavior difference of hollow spun pile and spun pile with concrete infill in terms of strength, ductility, and performance levels of spun pile’s connection.
Keywords: spun pile connection, performance-based design, the effect of concrete infill, ductility
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March and September
In cooperation with Ikatan Sarjana Teknik Sipil (ISATSI NAD) Lhokseumawe