Meriana Wahyu Nugroho, Totok Yulianto




Saat ini, kegiatan TIK (Informasi, Komunikasi dan Teknologi) menggantikan beberapa kegiatan fisik sehari-hari menjadi kegiatan non-fisik di era digital. Penggunaan TIK juga dapat menentukan perilaku perjalanan baik jumlah perjalanan dan rantai perjalanan para pelancong yang juga akan mempengaruhi volume lalu lintas, terutama di jalan-jalan kota. Pengguna transportasi mencoba untuk meningkatkan efisiensi perjalanannya melalui berbagai cara, tetapi sekarang orang cenderung memiliki aktivitas yang lebih bervariasi, sehingga perilaku perjalanan telah berubah, serta pola perjalanan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis karakteristik sosial ekonomi rumah tangga pada perilaku perjalanan dengan pengaruh penggunaan TIK. Pengguna transportasi yang menggunakan TIK lebih sering mungkin memiliki pilihan berbeda pada moda transportasi dari seseorang yang tidak melakukan kegiatan online. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan aktivitas buku harian. Lokasi survei difokuskan di Kota Jombang Indonesia, dan batas kota terdekat, sampel yang digunakan adalah 200 sampel rumah tangga. Teknik analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Regresi Logistik dengan metode Purposive Sampling dengan membangun sejumlah model berdasarkan catatan data perjalanan harian aktivitas fisik individu, data yang diperoleh diharapkan mampu menggambarkan pola perjalanan dan penggunaan pilihan moda pada skala rumah tangga.


Kata kunci: aktivitas buku harian, pola perjalanan, sosial ekonomi, perilaku transportasi, kota Jombang.






Undertaking healthy activities and trips is manifested from a set of daily activities and travels. The consequences of undertaking healthy activities and trips also includes reducing the time of some unhealthy activities. At present, ICT (Information, Communication and Technologies) activities are replacing some daily physical activities into non-physical daily activities in the digital age. The penetration of ICT might also determine the trip arrangement either number of trips and trip chains of the travelers that will also influence the traffic volume, especially on urban streets. Travelers try to improve their travel efficiency through a variety of ways, but now people have more varied activities, so that their travel behavior has changed, as well as their travel patterns. The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of household socio-economic on different trip arrangement with the influence of ICT penetration. The ones who use ICT more often might have different choice on transport modes from someone who undertakes no online activities. Data collection is done using an activity diary. The survey location was focused on Jombang City of Indonesia, and the nearest city boundary, the sample used was 200 household samples in this study. The analysis technique in this study uses Logistic Regression with the Purposive Sampling method by constructing a number of models based on individual daily physical activity travel data records, the data obtained are expected to be able to describe travel patterns and mode choice use on a household scale based.


Keywords: activity diary, travel patterns, socio-economic, trip arrangement, Jombang city


activity diary, travel patterns, socio-economic, trip arrangement, Jombang city

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29103/tj.v11i2.565


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Published 2 times a year
March and September

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The Research institutions and community service (LPPM) Universitas Malikussaleh

In cooperation with Ikatan Sarjana Teknik Sipil (ISATSI NAD) Lhokseumawe

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