Juandra Hartono, Umi Khoiroh




Salah satu isu utama dalam setiap penerapan Structure Health Monitoring System (SHMS) jembatan bentang panjang khususnya jembatan Pulau Balang II adalah bagaimana membuat SHMS tersebut dapat diandalkan secara efektif. Penggunaan sensor yang terlalu banyak tidaklah efisien demi mendapatkan informasi yang selengkap-lengkapnya terkait kondisi jembatan. Tujuan utama riset ini adalah untuk menganalisia tipe sensor, posisi penempatan sensor dan jumlah sensor yang akan dipasang pada SHMS jembatan Pulau Balang sesuai kebutuhan sensor yang efektif dan efisien. Pengamatan SHMS meliputi lendutan dek, pylon serta tegangan dek, pylon. Metode penelitian berupa pengamatan langsung di lapangan, analisa data dan diskusi dengan stakeholder jembatan. Dari hasil analisis terdapat 13 jenis sensor yang sebaiknya dipasang pada SHMS Jembatan Pulau Balang dengan total kebutuhan sensor berjumlah 87 buah. Posisi penempatan sensor sebagian besar ada di pylon, kabel dan dek yang disesuaikan dengan tipe jembatan yaitu cable stayed. Untuk sensor gempa disarankan perlu dipasang hal ini dikarenakan wilayah tersebut memiliki seismistis paling rendah yang didominasi oleh tiga zona sesar utama yaitu sesar mangkalihat, sesar tarakan dan sesar maratus oleh karena itu Kalimantan bukanlah daerah yang bebas gempa bumi.


Kata kunci: structural health monitoring system (SHMS), sensor, pylon, dek, cable stayed





One of the main issues in each application of Structure Health Monitoring System (SHMS) in long span bridge particularly Pulau Balang II Bridge is how to make the SHMS effectively dependable. The excessive use of sensors is inefficient in order to obtain complete information regarding the condition of the bridge. The main purpose of this research is to analyze the type of sensor, the position of the sensor placement and the number of sensors that will be installed on the SHMS structure of the Balang Island bridge according to the need for effective and efficient sensors. SHMS observations include deck deflection, pylon and deck stress, pylon. The research method is in the form of direct observation in the field, data analysis and discussions with bridge stakeholders. From the results of the analysis, there are 13 types of sensors that should be installed on the Balang Island Bridge SHMS with a total sensor requirement of 87 units. Most of the sensor placement positions are in the pylons, cables and decks that are adapted to the type of bridge, namely cable stayed. For earthquake sensors, it is recommended to install this because the area has the lowest seismicity which is dominated by three main fault zones, namely the Mangkalihat Fault, Tarakan Fault and Maratus Fault. Therefore, Kalimantan is not an earthquake-free area


Keywords: structural health monitoring system (SHMS), sensor, pylon, deck, cable stayed


structural health monitoring system (SHMS), sensor, pylon, deck, cable stayed

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29103/tj.v11i2.549


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Published 2 times a year
March and September

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The Research institutions and community service (LPPM) Universitas Malikussaleh

In cooperation with Ikatan Sarjana Teknik Sipil (ISATSI NAD) Lhokseumawe

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