Wesli Wesli




Untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat, pemerintah memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat atas sarana dan prasarana public. Salah satu kebutuhan masyarakat adalah tersedianya sumber air irigasi yang memadai untuk mengairi sawah. Embung Alue Sapi mempunyai luas genangan kurang lebih 4 Ha mengairi sawah seluas 500 Ha, Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir embung tersebut tidak lagi berfungsi karena telah terjadi kerusakan sehingga perlu dilakukan perbaikan. Agar pelaksanaan perbaikan dapat sesuai sasaran, maka perlu dilakukan kajian jenis dan tingkat kerusakan sehingga akan diperoleh suatu gambar detail desain melalui Survey Investigasi Disain (SID). Tujuan investigasi disain untuk mengetahui kelayakan embung dalam melayani ketersediaan air persawahan bagi masyarakat. Debit kebutuhan air sebesar 0.65 m3/det, hal ini lebih kecil dari debit periode ulang 2 tahunan sebesar 0,784 m3/det, Untuk periode ulang 5 tahunan sebesar 1,036 m3/det, periode ulang 10 tahunan sebesar 1,203 m3/det dan periode ulang 25 tahunan sebesar 1,413 m3/det. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa potensi air pada embung Alue Sapi cukup memadai, terjadinya masalah tidak berfungsinya embung disebabkan oleh kerusakan pada bagian dinding bangunan bendung, kerusakan pada pintu pembagi dan kurangnya kapasitas tampungan embung.


Kata kunci: Investigasi, disain bangunan embung.





To improve the welfare of the community, the government meets the needs of the community for public facilities and infrastructure. One of the needs of the community is the availability of adequate sources of irrigation water to irrigate rice fields. Alue Sapi embankment has a pool area of approximately 4 ha irrigating 500 hectares of rice fields. In the last few years the reservoir has no longer functioned because of damage so it needs to be repaired. In order for the implementation of repairs to be in accordance with the target, it is necessary to study the type and level of damage so that a detailed design image will be obtained through the Design Investigation Survey (SID). The purpose of the design investigation is to determine the feasibility of a reservoir in serving the availability of paddy water for the community. Discharge of water needs is 0.65 m3 / sec, this is less than the annual 2-period return discharge of 0.784 m3 / sec, for an annual 5-year return period of 1.036 m3 / sec, a 10-year return period of 1.203 m3 / sec and a 25-year return period amounting to 1,413 m3 / sec. This shows that the water potential in the Alue Sapi reservoir is sufficient, the problem of the malfunctioning of the dam is caused by damage to the walls of the dam building, damage to the divider door and lack of reservoir capacity.


Keywords: Investigation, design of reservoir buildings.

Full Text:



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Bappeda Aceh Utara, 2011, Kabupaten Aceh Utara Dalam Angka, Pemerintah Kabupaten Aceh Utara

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Copyright (c) 2018 Wesli Wesli

P-ISSN: 2088-0651 

E-ISSN: 2502-1680

 Google Scholar

Accredited based on Sinta 3 based on the Decree of the Director General of Strengthening Research and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 230/E/KPT/2022
Valid for 5 years, Volume 12 Number 2 Year 2022 to Volume 17 Number 1 Year 2027


Creative Commons "Attribution-ShareAlike”

Attibusion Internasional (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Published 2 times a year
March and September

Published by:
The Research institutions and community service (LPPM) Universitas Malikussaleh

In cooperation with Ikatan Sarjana Teknik Sipil (ISATSI NAD) Lhokseumawe

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