Optimasi Ruang Pejalan Kaki Di Jalan Pengayoman Kota Makassar

Rohana Rohana, Salmiah Zainuddin, Sri Wahyuni




Penggunaan ruang pejalan kaki di Jalan Pengayoman sepanjang 2,1 km, termasuk kategori tidak memenuhi standar kelayakan penyediaan sarana dan prasarana, ditinjau dari beberapa aspek yang berhubungan/berkaitan erat secara signifikan dengan kenyamanan. Para Pengendara dan Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL), mengokupasi jalur pedestrian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan general consept design mengenai optimasi ruang pejalan kaki sebagai pembentuk citra kota yang ramah lingkungan. Penggunaan metode penelitian yang memadukan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif secara analisis deskriptif untuk mewujudkan optimasi sebagai output penelitian. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ruang pejalan kaki di masing-masing elemen, memiliki beberapa data analisis yang sama dalam beberapa penilaian, namun yang paling signifikan yaitu mengenai kenyamanan non fisik sehingga ruang pedestrian yang saat ini digunakan tidak sesuai dalam standar kategori LOS (Level of Service). Arahan optimasi diprioritaskan penambahan elemen-elemen terkait kenyamanan. Konsep berkelanjutan merupakan salah satu perwujudan konsep kota yang berwawasan lingkungan sehingga penerapan perwujudan P2KH pada lokasi penelitian cukup berpotensi untuk di implementasikan.


Kata kunci: optimasi, pedestrian, kenyamanan





The use of pedestrian space on Jalan Pengayoman along the 2.1 km, falls into the category of not meeting the appropriateness standards for the provision of facilities and infrastructure, viewed from several aspects that are significantly related/closely related to comfort. Driver and Street Vendors (PKL) occupied the pedestrian lane. The research aims to formulate a general concept design regarding the optimization of pedestrian space as forming the image of a Sustainable City. Use of research methods that combine qualitative and quantitative approaches with descriptive analysis to realize optimization as research output. The results of the analysis show that the pedestrian space in each element has some of the same analysis data in several assessments, but the most significant is regarding non-physical comfort so the pedestrian space currently in use does not comply with the LOS (Level Of Service) category standards. The optimization direction prioritizes adding elements related to comfort. The sustainable concept is one embodiment of the concept of an environmentally friendly city, so the implementation of the P2KH embodiment at the research location has the potential to be implemented.


Keywords: optimization, pedestrian, comfort


optimasi, pedestrian, kenyamanan

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29103/tj.v15i1.1181


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Published 2 times a year
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The Research institutions and community service (LPPM) Universitas Malikussaleh

In cooperation with Ikatan Sarjana Teknik Sipil (ISATSI NAD) Lhokseumawe

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