Pengaruh Pemakaian Difa Soil Stabilizer Terhadap Daya Dukung Tanah Lempung Untuk Konstruksi Jalan
Tujuan penelitian adalah melihat pengaruh penambahan bahan difa soil stabilizer terhadap daya dukung dan potensi pengembangan tanah lempung. Tanah lempung berasal dari Lampung Selatan, dibagi menjadi lima variasi penambahan bahan tambah: variasi 1 (tanah asli), variasi 2 (tanah asli ditambah 8% semen dan 0% difa), variasi 3 (tanah asli ditambah 4% semen dan 3% difa), variasi 4 (tanah asli ditambah 6% semen dan 3% difa) dan variasi 5 (tanah asli ditambah 8% semen dan 3% difa). Untuk pengujian CBR, setiap variasi diberikan empat perlakuan yaitu pemeraman empat hari, pemeraman tujuh hari, pemeraman 14 hari, dan pemeraman empat hari dilanjutkan perendaman empat hari. Sedangkan untuk pengujian potensi pengembangan, benda uji direndam selama empat hari sebelum dilakukan pengujian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penambahan difa soil stabilizer meningkatkan nilai CBR tanpa atau dengan rendaman untuk semua perlakuan dan menurunkan potensi pengembangan lempung. Dengan demikian dapat mengurangi ketebalan lapisan pondasi struktur perkerasan jalan.
Kata kunci: difa soil stabilizer, sifat mekanik, stabilisasi, tanah lempung.
The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of difa soil stabilizer on the bearing capacity and swell potential of clay. The clay was divided into five variations: variation 1 (clay only), variation 2 (clay plus 8% cement and 0% difa), variation 3 (clay plus 4% cement and 3% difa), variation 4 (clay plus 6% cement and 3% difa) and variation 5 (clay plus 8% cement and 3% difa). For the CBR test, each variation was given four treatments, namely four-day curing, seven-day curing, 14-day curing, and four-day curing followed by four-day soaking. As for the swell potential test, the specimens were soaked for four days before testing. The results showed that the addition of difa soil stabilizer increased the CBR value without or with soaking for all treatments and decreased the clay swell potential, thereby reducing the thickness of the foundation layer of the pavement structure.
Keywords: clay, difa soil stabilizer, mechanical characteristics, stabilization
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