Pendugaan Hasil Sedimen Terhadap Penggunaan Lahan dengan Metode MUSLE di DAS Way Besai
Salah satu dampak dari erosi adalah penurunan produksi pangan secara global. Penyebab erosi yang terjadi di wilayah sungai adalah perubahan tutupan lahan dan iklim. Dengan melakukan penghijauan, meningkatkan vegetasi dan ekologi, dan perencanaan penggunaan lahan diindikasikan dapat mencegah erosi. Sedimentasi akibat erosi di sungai juga dapat mengurangi kapasitas sungai dalam menampung air. Metode MUSLE (Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation) merupakan pengembangan metode USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) dalam pendugaan hasil sedimen. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah memperoleh pendugaan hasil sedimen terhadap penggunaan lahan menggunakan metode MUSLE pada Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Way Besai berbasis sistem informasi geografis. Hasil sedimen periode ulang dengan metode MUSLE untuk Y(2 tahun), Y(5 tahun), Y(10 tahun), Y(25 tahun), Y(50 tahun), Y(100 tahun), dan Y(200 tahun) masing-masing diperoleh sebesar 656.8765 ton, 782.4091 ton, 861.3319 ton, 957.7598 ton, 1027.6898 ton, 1096.4283 ton, dan 1164.6822 ton. Sedimentasi kala ulang menunjukkan tren peningkatan sejalan dengan bertambahnya lama periode yang berulang.
Kata kunci: Sedimen, Erosi, MUSLE, DAS Way Besai
Erosion leads to a global decrease in food production. Land cover and climate changes are the main causes of erosion in river areas. To reduce erosion, we can implement greening projects, improve vegetation, and plan land use strategically. Sedimentation resulting from river erosion can diminish the water-holding capacity of rivers. MUSLE (Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation) method, which enhances USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation), is used to predict sediment yield. The objective of research is to estimate sediment yield in relation to land use using MUSLE method within Way Besai Watershed, based on a geographic information system (GIS). Sediment yields for recurrence periods, including Y(2 years), Y(5 years), Y(10 years), Y(25 years), Y(50 years), Y(100 years), and Y(200 years), are calculated as 656.8765 tons, 782.4091 tons, 861.3319 tons, 957.7598 tons, 1027.6898 tons, 1096.4283 tons, and 1164.6822 tons, respectively. Sedimentation rates exhibit an upward trajectory in tandem with increasing recurrence periods.
Keywords: Sedimentation, Erosion, MUSLE, Way Besai Watershed
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Giyanti, F.D., Riduan, R. and Aprilliantari, R. 2014. Identifikasi Tingkat Bahaya Erosi Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis (Sig) Pada Sub Daerah Aliran Sungai (Das) Riam Kanan. Jurnal Purifikasi 14(1), pp. 1–10. doi: 10.12962/j25983806.v14.i1.4.
Gwapedza, D., Nyamela, N., Hughes, D.A., Slaughter, A.R., Mantel, S.K. and van der Waal, B. 2021. Prediction of sediment yield of the Inxu River catchment (South Africa) using the MUSLE. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 9(1), pp. 37–48.
Igwe, O. and Fukuoka, H. 2010. Environmental and Socio-Economic Impact of Erosion in Nigeria, West Africa. International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering 3(1), pp. 102–109. doi: 10.13101/ijece.3.102.
Joshi, P. et al. 2023. Himalayan watersheds in Nepal record high soil erosion rates estimated using the RUSLE model and experimental erosion plots. Heliyon 9(5), p. e15800.
Kumar, P.S., Praveen, T.V. and Prasad, M.A. 2015. Simulation of Sediment Yield Over Un-gauged Stations Using MUSLE and Fuzzy Model. Aquatic Procedia 4(4), pp. 1291–1298.
Li, X., Cooper, J.R. and Plater, A.J. 2021. Quantifying erosion hazards and economic damage to critical infrastructure in river catchments: Impact of a warming climate. Climate Risk Management 32(July 2020), p. 100287.
Medjani, F., Derradji, T., Zahi, F., Djidel, M., Labar, S. and Bouchagoura, L. 2023. Assessment of soil erosion by Universal Soil Loss Equation model based on Geographic Information System data: a case study of the Mafragh watershed, north-eastern Algeria. Scientific African 21, p. e01782.
Nauman, T.W., Munson, S.M., Dhital, S., Webb, N.P. and Duniway, M.C. 2023. Synergistic soil, land use, and climate influences on wind erosion on the Colorado Plateau: Implications for management. Science of the Total Environment 893(June), p. 164605.
Peraturan Menteri Kehutanan Republik Indonesia. 2009. Tata Cara Penyusunan Rencana Teknik Rehabilitasi Hutan dan Lahan Daerah Aliran Sungai.
Rahmawati, F., Winarno, D.J. and Kusumastuti, D.I. 2018. Analisis Sedimen Pada Daerah Aliran Sungai PLTA Way Besai Dengan Metode USLE (United Soil Loss Equation). JRSDD 6(4), pp. 457–470.
Sartori, M., Philippidis, G., Ferrari, E., Borrelli, P., Lugato, E., Montanarella, L. and Panagos, P. 2019. A linkage between the biophysical and the economic: Assessing the global market impacts of soil erosion. Land Use Policy 86(12), pp. 299–312.
Taye, G., Teklesilassie, T., Teka, D. and Kassa, H. 2023. Assessment of soil erosion hazard and its relation to land use land cover changes: Case study from alage watershed, central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. Heliyon 9(8), p. e18648.
Tian, Q., Zhang, X., He, J., Yi, H., He, L. and Yang, Q. 2023. Potential risk of soil erosion on the Tibetan Plateau during 1990 – 2020 : Impact of climate change and human activities. Ecological Indicators 154(11), p. 110669.
Vis, M. 1987. A Procedure for The Analysis of Soil Erosion and Related Problems in Water and Land Resources Management Studies.
Yusuf, A., Kusumastuti, D.I. and Wahono, E.P. 2021. Pengaruh Tutupan Lahan terhadap Base Flow Index DAS Way Seputih Provinsi Lampung. Siklus : Jurnal Teknik Sipil 7(2), pp. 146–159. doi: 10.31849/siklus.v7i2.7323.
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