Analisis Keterlambatan Proyek Terhadap Cost Overruns Berbasis Project Risk Management Pada Proyek Pembangunan Infrastruktur Pabrik NPK Chemical PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda

teuku ikmal, Wesli Wesli, Maizuar Maizuar, Khairullah Khairullah, Hamzani Hamzani




Proyek Pembangunan Pabrik NPK Chemical di PT PIM mengalami keterlambatan significant sehingga terjadi cost overrun. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui banyaknya faktor risiko paling dominan dengan pendekatan Project Risk Management. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada personil di proyek Pabrik NPK Chemical PT PIM. Data kuesioner diolah menggunakan programming SPSS. Setelah itu, dilakukan analisis penilaian risiko untuk memperoleh risiko keterlambatan yang dominan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor risiko kategori “high risk” sebanyak 31 risiko atau berkontribusi sebesar 84,67%. Adapun 5 faktor risiko dominan penyebab keterlambatan proyek yaitu: Pengiriman material tidak sesuai sequential di lapangan; Mismanagement project Kontraktor; Keterlambatan karena pekerjaan subkontraktor; Mobilisasi sumberdaya yang lambat; serta Koordinasi dan komunikasi yang tidak baik antar bagian dalam organisasi kerja Kontraktor sehingga tidak dapat mengelola interface pekerjaan.


Kata kunci: Keterlambatan Proyek, Cost Overrun, Project Risk Management






The NPK Chemical Plant Construction Project at PT PIM experienced significant delays resulting in cost overrun. This study is to determine the number of most dominant risk factors with the Project Risk Management approach. The research method used quantitative descriptive methods by distributing questionnaires to personnel at PT PIM's NPK Chemical Plant project. Questionnaire data is processed using SPSS programming. After that, a risk assessment analysis is carried out to obtain the dominant risk of delay. The results showed that the risk factors in the "high risk" category were 31 risks or contributed 84.67%. The 5 dominant risk factors that cause project delays are: Material delivery is not in accordance with sequential in the field; Mismanagement of the Contractor's project; Delays due to the work of subcontractors; Slow resource mobilization; and Poor coordination and communication between parts of the Contractor's work organization so that they cannot manage the work interface.


Keywords:   Project Delay, Cost Overrun, Project Risk Management


Keterlambatan Proyek, Cost Overrun, Project Risk Management

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The Research institutions and community service (LPPM) Universitas Malikussaleh

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