Analisis Plastis Jembatan Box Girder Dengan Penampang Single Box

Yuslinda Yuslinda




Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis perilaku plastis penampang single box girder dengan model bilinier dan strain hardening. Hal-hal yang dipelajari adalah hubungan momen-kelengkungan, momen plastis, panjang daerah inelastis dan faktor bentuk (shape factor). Jembatan yang dianalisis mempunyai panjang bentang 40 meter dan lebar 10 meter. Perencanaan penampang jembatan dilakukan dengan menggunakan bantuan program SAP 2000 versi 15, dengan mengikuti prosedur yang ditetapkan dalam RSNI T-03-2005. Beban yang diperhitungkan adalah beban mati dan beban hidup saja dan didasarkan pada RSNI T-02-2005. Analisis dengan model bilinier, momen plastis (Mp) didapatkan sebesar 160 kNm. Untuk analisis dengan model strain hardening, momen plastis (Mps) sebesar 214 kNm. Kenaikan momen plastis akibat diperhitungkan strain hardening penampang single box, yaitu sebesar 25,3%. Kenaikan daerah inelastis akibat diperhitungkan strain hardening menjadi sekitar 4 kali daerah inelastis bila strain hardening tidak diperhitungkan. Akhirnya, dalam tulisan ini diperbandingkan hubungan momen-kelengkungan penampang single box baik menggunakan model bilinier maupun menggunakan model dengan strain hardening.


Kata kunci: Single box, perilaku plastis, strain hardening, momen plastis, hubungan momen-kelengkungan




The purpose of this study was to analyze the plastic behavior of a single box girder cross section with a linear and strain hardening model. The things learned are the relationship of moment-curvature, plastic moment, length of inelastic region and form factor (shape factor). The bridge analyzed has a span length of 40 meters and a width of 10 meters. Bridge cross section planning is done using the help of the SAP 2000 program version 15, following the procedures set out in RSNI T-03-2005. Expenses calculated are dead load and live load only and are based on RSNI T-02-2005. Analysis with a linear model, the plastic moment (Mp) obtained for 160 kNm. For analysis with the strain hardening model, the plastic moment (Mps) is 214 kNm. The increase in plastic moment due to calculated single-section cross-section hardening strains is equal to 25.3%. The increase in inelastic area due to hardening strain is calculated to be around 4 times the inelastic area if the hardening strain is not taken into account. Finally, in this paper the single-box cross-section cross-section relationship is compared, both using a linear model or using a strain hardening model.


Keywords: Single box, plastic behavior, strain hardening, plastic moment, relationship of moment-curvature

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Copyright (c) 2021 Yuslinda - S.ST, M.T, Rajib Muammar S.ST, M.T, Iqbal - S.ST, M.T

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Valid for 5 years, Volume 12 Number 2 Year 2022 to Volume 17 Number 1 Year 2027


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Published 2 times a year
March and September

Published by:
The Research institutions and community service (LPPM) Universitas Malikussaleh

In cooperation with Ikatan Sarjana Teknik Sipil (ISATSI NAD) Lhokseumawe

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